--- DSP 56000 Lod Disassembler --- usage: [-flags] file.lod [file.asm] flags: (-)p you can see the operation in screen (-)i the disassembler uses '<<' symbol ( MOVEP ) (-)d the disassembler uses the standard i/o labels (-)m you can choose manual the disassembling mode when the disassembing is in the P memory! example: -pm echo.lod test.asm This program is share & postcardware ! ( For girls: Kissware !!! ) If you can use this little program & find it useable please send 5 US dollar. Release date: 13 June 1993 Gabriel Sebestyen email: szoli@palma1.elte.hu Damjanich 23 1071 BUDAPEST HUNGARY p.s.: Hey somebody ! Please help me ! Send me a normal DSP assembler ! I've got a very very shitty A56.TTP ! Thanx !!